
Edna World

Edna World is a community centred around mindful design, textile regeneration, slow fashion, experimentation and education. Its primary mission is to transform how we view fashion by creating deeper connections between individuals and the garments they adorn. 

At the helm of Edna World is Tahlia, originally from Boorloo/Perth, Australia, and now based in Berlin. She founded Edna World with the intention of crafting fashion pieces that evoke deep emotional connection in those who wear them. Tahlia’s fervour for sustainability, coupled with her concerns about the fashion industries lack of transparency, particularity in manufacturing and textile production, led her to embrace the principles of slow fashion. Her focus lies in reviving old fabrics into fresh creations and experimenting with natural dyeing techniques. As Edna World continues to evolve Tahlias aspires to nurture it into a trusted community where individuals can confidently invest in quality, unique pieces that will endure a lifetime, Through her creative expression, she paints a utopian vision for the future of fashion, inspired by early human weaving and dyeing methods, Japanese philosophy Kintsugi, rituals, and the concept of hyper-functional multi-wear fashion items. Welcoming partner Alex to Edna World in 2024, together they aim to continue to develop the community and reach their aspired goals within the fashion community.

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